Share Notion

A platform that allows users to share notion files as protected links.

App screenshot
Simon Ternoir

I am an active Papermark user. Very happy that we made a transition to their data rooms. I recommend it to every founder and fund I know.

Simon TernoirLinkedIn
Co-founder & CTO at Roundtable

Notion Integration

Notion Integration is a part of Papermark software that allows users to share Notion documents. This integration enables users to secure Notion documents and track activity on them

Product screenshot

How to Share Documents with Papermark

Papermark is a software that allows users to easily share documents and create data rooms. With its user-friendly interface, users can securely share files, collaborate on projects, and manage permissions. Whether it's for personal or professional use, Papermark simplifies the process of document sharing.

Product screenshot

Spread the Notion

Papermark features
For Share Notion

Open Source
Fully open source and transparent infrastructure
Secure Link Permissions
Enterprise-grade security for your documents links
Page by pagen analytics
Track engagement and viewer insights
Custom Domain & Branding
Personalize and customize your document experience
Enhanced document intelligence with AI
Join our growing community of users and customers

Share Notion with a modern UI
See the demo below

Loved by over 20k companies and employees
Here's what they have to say about us.

sefa oruc
sefa oruc

i was looking for an alternative to docsend for the pitch deck. I finally found a nice product @papermarkio🤘

Martin Patz
Martin Patz
@Martin Patz

great work, keep it going! Love your product.

Sarah Drinkwater
Sarah Drinkwater

the sheer volume of @papermarkio decks i see these days... hats off.

Lukas Lunzmann
Lukas Lunzmann

Currently getting a lot of use out of .@mfts0's "papermark" project! I'm looking to see how he implemented Resend/React Email into his NextAuth stack.

Parker Rex
Parker Rex

Founders/Investors: If you're sick of DocSend, use PaperMark.

Ted Spare
Ted Spare

We self-host Papermark at Rubric Labs for doc-sharing. Brilliantly-simple alternative to Docsend. Features are well-executed, so I can't wait to try new stuff!

Papermark team listens to their users and build what they need. Thanks for solving a big pain point.

Alexander Zahari
Alexander Zahari
@Alexander Zahari

The reason I love Papermark is because you're building everything I've been looking for, and that Docsend doesn't offer (on a free tier).

Jonathan Reimer
Jonathan Reimer

best thing is that all the save DocSend to PDF plugins that VCs use probably won't work 😁

Spread the Notion