Screenshot Protection

Protect your sensitive documents from unauthorized screenshots and screen captures with advanced security features.

Screenshot Protection demo
Simon Ternoir

I am an active Papermark user. Very happy that we made a transition to their data rooms. I recommend it to every founder and fund I know.

Simon TernoirLinkedIn
Co-founder & CTO at Roundtable

Why use Screenshot Protection?

Prevent unauthorized capture of sensitive information while maintaining document accessibility. Perfect for confidential documents, presentations, and data room content.

Screen Shot Protection settings screenshot

Secure documents with comprehensive protection

Combine screenshot protection with dynamic watermarkingfeatures for maximum security. Track attempted captures and maintain control over your sensitive information. ⚠️ Important Security Notice: Screenshot protection does not work in 100% of use cases. It blocks main actions of screenshot, but in some mobile browsers screenshotsin can not be blocked. Therefore we recommend also to use other document security features and link permissions.

Screenshot protection settings

Protect your documents from unauthorized capture today

Papermark features
For Screenshot Protection

Block Screneshot Commands
Limit screenshots ability by blocking main commands for screenshots
Capture Prevention
Block screenshot attempts and screen recordings to protect sensitive information.
Real-time Protection
Automatically detect and prevent unauthorized capture attempts while viewing documents.
Security Tracking
Monitor and log screenshot attempts to maintain document security.
Flexible Configuration
Set up your screenshot protection settings and combine it with customized watermarking
Usability Balance
Maintain document readability while ensuring maximum security.

Screenshot Protection for any use case
See the demo below

FAQ Everything you need to know about screenshot protection

Trusted by thousands of companies for document security
See what they say about Papermark

Testimonial 1

Papermark team listens to their users and build what they need. Thanks for solving a big pain point.

Founder, Townhall Network (web3)
Kim Grey

Love that Papermark is an Open Source! Very glad we switched and using it for our data rooms.

Investor Relations, Fabric VC
Testimonial 1

Our transition to Papermark was smooth. We love the product and data rooms with custom domains.

Partner, VC Fund Unify Ventures

Protect your documents from unauthorized capture today